Sweat F.C Travel Teams

Join our travel programs for players ages 12-18 years old.


2010 Boys Team.

The Sweat F.C travel program participate in the Cosmopolitan Junior soccer league for every season. The travel program will require all players to commit to their weekend practices held with Sweat F.C.


2008 Boys Team.

The Sweat F.C travel program participate in the Cosmopolitan Junior soccer league for every season. The travel program will require all players to commit to at least 1-2 weekly practices with Sweat F.C


 Player Policies

  • As of September 5th 2023 all players are expected to bring their own balls to all Sweat F.C travel soccer practices. Coaches are not responsible for bringing balls for any players. Players without balls will be sat out for the entire practice.

  • As of June 6th 2023 all travel players must attend their assigned teams practices. Players will be excused from 2 seasonal practices and must notify club with supporting documents explaining child’s absence. Players who exceed more than 2 absences will be subject to be removed from their team.

  • Our player’s time policy is very clear. Players will receive the amount of playing time deemed appropriate by their coach & only their coach. This is based on the core understanding that players attend all practices, show up to games prepared with correct player equipment, and are executing their coaches player expectations during practice.

  • All players must wear their assigned Sweat F.C practice uniforms to all practices and their Sweat F.C game uniforms to all games. Players wearing missing items will sit out entire practices or games.

    If your child is missing an item please reach out directly to Coaching@sweatfc.com.

  • All players will not be allowed to miss any games unless players have a supported family emergency or personal emergency. Players will not be excused for any other reasons.